Verizon’s 100 Ideas to Change the World Contest.

The Verizon Powerful Answers Award is an initiative aimed at discovering ideas that offer the best new solutions in three core areas of focus: education, healthcare, and sustainability. Experts in these fields also spoke at the event about their collaboration with Verizon and the solutions they hope to see, including Dr. Margaret Honey, President and CEO of the New York Hall of Science, and David Cohen, CEO of Techstars.
The submissions were evaluated by panels of experts, and a total of 10 million dollars in prizes were awarded to the winners, which were announced at CES 2014.
Our project, the Human Powered Generator, was classified in the Sustainability category.

SpaceX purchases the Speech Modules.

Finalist in the Sustainability Bonds Contest, 16th edition, among 820 projects.
The Colombian British Chamber of Commerce – BritCham Colombia and the British Embassy launched the 16th edition of the Lazos a la Sostenibilidad (Sustainability Bonds) Awards, an event scheduled for October 12, 2023. These awards aim to highlight, promote, and showcase projects developed in the country within the realms of ESG (Environmental, Social, Corporate) principles.

The 2023 Lazos a la Sostenibilidad (Sustainability Bonds) Awards include 15 categories in which large, medium, small companies, and individuals can nominate their projects related to climate actions, sustainable products and services, bioeconomy, community management, reconciliation and peace, sustainable journalism, sustainable fashion, biodiversity, water, sustainable digital content, and sustainable business leadership.
Our project, Innovention Educación, has been classified as a finalist in the Human Talent Management category. The Lazos a la Sostenibilidad Awards organized by BritCham and the British Embassy represent a unique opportunity to celebrate the achievements and commitment of businesses and individuals in the construction of a sustainable future in Colombia.

Author of Robotics Books for Kids with the most translations in the world.
Orlando Charria is, very likely, the author of Robotics Books for Kids with the most translations in the world. They are available on and in other bookstores worldwide.
His books are in Spanish, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, German, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and soon, versions in Hebrew, Arabic, Croatian, and Russian.
The books are:
- Complete Collection of Robots for Children.
- Fundamentals of Robotics.
- Real and Industrial Robots.
- TV and Cartoon Robots.
- Movie Robots
Co-investigator in OMICS.
The Multiscale In-silico Optimization of Sustainable Agricultural Crops (OMICAS) research program is the winner of the second call for Colombia Científica in the Food focus area. Through seven projects, it aims to develop and implement scientific and technological strategies to enhance agricultural varieties, with the goal of contributing to global food security and sustainable production.

The National Scientific Ecosystem, in its component known as Colombia Científica, is a milestone in the history of scientific research in the country. It is established to contribute to the improvement of the quality of participating Colombian Higher Education Institutions through the formation of alliances that drive national social and productive development. This is achieved through research, development, and innovation programs in five established strategic areas, with lasting and sustainable results over time. OMICAS is the program representing the strategic focus on Food.

The alliance works to provide solutions to the challenges of food security and productive sustainability in agriculture by genetically improving agronomic varieties, resulting in greater tolerance to physical and biological stress and a reduced environmental footprint. The alliance will validate and demonstrate the implementation of the strategy and infrastructure for rice and sugarcane crops. However, the knowledge and results obtained during these years of research can be applied to improve other agricultural crops.
Orlando Charria will create a commercial prototype for a fixed phenotyping platform.
Recipient of the Dutch Government Scholarship for Postgraduate Studies.

National speaker on Robotics, Automation, and Innovation topics.

Orlando Charria has been a lecturer on robotics and automation at many universities in Colombia and internationally.
He is a dreamer, writer, scientist, ecologist, and innovation enthusiast. He grew up simply in rural areas. He is an Electronic Engineer with extensive experience in industrial automation, with specialization studies in Computer Vision in the Netherlands and a Master’s in Environmental Sciences.

In recent years, drawing from his interdisciplinary background, he has developed several applications and inventions to address significant environmental issues. He is designing the First Climate Change Electroválvula to collect wastewater and rainwater. He also designs Vertical Agricultural Growth Units (VAGUs) to produce food in adverse environmental conditions with limited land and water resources. Another significant design is a human-powered generator that allows people to generate electricity while exercising.
He believes that children are the future, which is why he initiated a collection of books on robotics for children, aimed at helping them understand science and nurture their creativity.
Author of Fundamentals of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs).

Industrial automation is a necessity. This book is available in Spanish, English, and French.
This book is specifically for Spanish-speaking professionals interested in working in automation in the United States and Europe. Although it is written in Spanish, it teaches terms in English so you can understand technical literature in that language. While there are many PLC books, this should be your first choice because it provides the foundation for all types of technical literature.
It’s equivalent to buying THREE books: one on theory, one on practice, and one on projects. It’s the only book on the market with software simulation.
Learning about Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) is a necessity for any technician or engineer seeking or already working in automation. You’ll be more competitive if you can program different PLC brands, much like speaking multiple languages.
The goal is to teach you the fundamentals applicable to the majority of PLC brands and allow you to practice as much as possible. After this, it will be easy for you to understand other PLCs like Allen Bradley, Siemens, AutomationDirect, EZ automation, Triangle Research, Telemechanique, etc. The first chapters familiarize you with the available PLC technologies and common terms in the automation industry. Knowing the technical language is essential for job interviews.
The second part is dedicated to learning the most basic Ladder Logic instructions, common to all PLCs. This book, unique in the world, includes software simulation (available for download) that allows you to test each of the 40 step-by-step lessons on Ladder Logic programming.
The last part includes 14 real projects with their programs, which you can simulate. Practicing real concepts will help you understand and reinforce them.
This book also includes other very useful materials:
- An appendix on Fundamentals of Electricity to refresh or learn concepts before diving into automation.
- Basic ladder logic for various PLC brands: Allen Bradley®, Siemens®, General Electric®, Triangle Research®, and AutomationDirect®. Learning in a generic brand makes it easier to do it with a specific brand.
- A very important third bonus is the simulator software for practicing the lessons, ensuring you’re not just a reader. You can write programs and correct them until they work properly.
This material is excellent for beginners, as it doesn’t assume any prior knowledge. Many educational institutions worldwide have selected this book and method to train students in industrial automation, and you’ll discover why. The learning methodology allows you to work with discrete or digital signals, enabling you to repair, design, and understand simple automation programs. Our second book (in preparation) will teach more advanced concepts.
We value your positive feedback (reviews), and we provide free support (in English and Spanish) for our learning method to close the gap between author and reader. You’ll find our email addresses inside to help with software simulator installation, writing programs, simulation, answering your questions, and more.
Note for teachers/instructors: Please don’t limit your students by teaching them a particular brand of PLCs. You should teach them as many brands as possible, as that’s the true concept of education.
author of Vertical Agriculture

Could we grow food differently? Could this be the agriculture of the future?
Imagine a new world where you are invited to develop a New Agriculture that takes into account all your background, combined with ancestral and technological knowledge. Since this process is just beginning, you can be a part of it, regardless of your age, knowledge, or location.
What if this agriculture proposal could represent the future we want: fewer chemicals, fewer resources, less harm to nature…?
You’ve probably noticed that the climate is changing. There’s talk of increasingly hot days, heavy rainfall, intense droughts, hurricane seasons, and more. Add to this pollution, reduced biodiversity, and fewer resources to feed the population. It’s very likely that we’ll need to take drastic measures, change the way we grow food today if we want to ensure food for the future.
Vertical Agriculture is a proposal to become more resilient and adapt our world to climate change. It’s an open invitation to rethink our agricultural processes where knowledge and technology are shared rather than imposed.
This book will help you understand how to be part of the change, providing a future for new generations…
Twenty short chapters, including one specifically dedicated to the vision of Vertical Agriculture, will help you grasp the basic concepts of how to grow food indoors, with or without technology.
There are fundamentals about solar energy, lighting, irrigation, alternative energies, rainwater harvesting, electricity, and automation. This book is for anyone who wants to learn how to grow food in the future and help create a better world.